
John Sidwell

I had the good fortune to be a student at Oldershaw Grammar School at the time when Eric Hawkins was our Head Master. He was greatly admired by all the boys, a strong disciplinarian and an inspirational head.

Two events stick in my mind, firstly I recall, in the days long before crazy health & safety rules took control. On one snowy winter's day, he announced that during our break we would all be allowed onto the rugby field for a snow ball fight and he even joined in the fun himself.

On another occasion, I and some dozen other boys in my class had been up to some mischief and we were told that we should all report to the Head Masters study, for five of the best - caning. I duly decided to go to the back of the queue, feeling that by the time he reached me, his arm would be a little tired. True to form, when he appeared at his door, he said, 'Let's start with the boy at the back'.

Yes, he was a great Head Master and one I will never forget with great regard.

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